Researchers led by Diane Hoffman-Kim are using brain microtissues to investigate the development of the nervous system, the toxicity of environmental chemicals as well as diseases and disorders of the brain, including stroke and traumatic brain injury.
Researchers led by Diane Hoffman-Kim are using brain microtissues to investigate the development of the nervous system, the toxicity of environmental chemicals as well as diseases and disorders of the brain, including stroke and traumatic brain injury.
Brain 3D Microtissues
- The Hoffman-Kim lab has developed a 3D microtissue of the brain. The microtissue is comprised of a complex mixture of interacting neurons, glial cells, and endothelial cells engineered to mimic in vivo neural tissues.
- The brain microtissue is easily accessible, size-controlled, reproducible, and cost-effective.
- The cells secrete a brain-like extracellular matrix resulting in mechanical properties in the range of brain tissue. Neurons and glia formed laminin-containing 3D networks within the microtissues.
- We have developed optical clearing techniques that enable the examination of the cellular and matrix components throughout the three-dimensional volume of the microtissue.
- The neurons are electrically active, form complex circuitry via both excitatory and inhibitory synapses, and we are able to visualize neuronal signaling using fluorescent microscopy.
- We are using brain microtissues to investigate the development of the nervous system, the toxicity of environmental chemicals as well as diseases and disorders of the brain, including stroke and traumatic brain injury.
3D rendering of a human brain microtissue showing astrocytes immuno-stained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (green) and neurites immuno-stained for beta III tubulin (red).

Z-stack projection of a rat brain microtissue immuno-stained for cell nuclei with DAPI (blue), astrocytes with GFAP (green), and neurites with beta III tubulin (red).
Learn More
Dingle, Y. T., Boutin, M. E., Chirila, A. M., Livi, L. L., Labriola, N. R., Jakubek, L. M., Morgan, J. R., Darling, E. M., Kauer, J. A., & Hoffman-Kim, D. (2015). Three-dimensional neural spheroid culture: an in vitro model for cortical studies. Tissue Engineering Part C Methods. 21(12),1274-83. PMC4663656
Boutin, M. E., & Hoffman-Kim, D. (2015). Application and assessment of optical clearing methods for imaging of tissue-engineered neural stem cell spheres. Tissue Engineering Part C Methods, 21(3), 292-302. PMC4346659
Boutin, M.E., Kramer, L.L., Livi, L.L., Brown, T., Moore, C., Hoffman-Kim, D.D. (2018). A three-dimensional neural spheroid model for capillary-like network formation. Neuroscience Methods, 299, 55-63. PMID: 28143748
Diane Hoffman-Kim, PhD
Associate Professor of Medical Science, Department of Neuroscience